Friday, December 12, 2008
Monday, December 8, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
weird... there are all kind of shapes in every thing that surrounds us... we can find ourselves in small thing, we can find meanings in the most usual objects. chain-man... at first I liked the shape of that door... but than I saw him, chained there, with no chance of getting out... I wonder, who holds his key?
who holds my key?
we all have our own key... sometimes all we have to do is take it, own it... but do we know what to fo with it?
all we can do is try doing the best we can do with the key: open that door... let people inside... let ourselves out!

Sunday, March 2, 2008
there is still HOPE!
hope... there is always hope. even if we don't always know what is waiting for us after the wall we so much struggle to climb.
as long as we have hope, we are strong and powerfull, ready to confront with situations beyond our thought... a perfect, smooth wall... life...
just a thought... ?!?

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!
Enjoy every day as it would be valentine's day... next to the person you love! Because time goes by too fast... so start enjoying life, the people who surround you, and yourself! :)
Lots of joy and love to you all!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Today I had quite an optimistic day... no reason, nothing special happened, just woke up with a strange-good mood...
It's weird waking up with the feeling of uncertainty inside yourself... asking yourself if it was a dream or was it real?!? Was it a dream or was it a memory of something that happened a long time ago? Maybe it was a memory of something that could have happened somewhere in the past, something you wished would have happened...
Ater all, what is reality? Which one is it?
Ah, I will not go there...
Anyway, all in all I had a good dream (or memory...?)
Good Night!

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Beautiful weather… everything is beautiful around me those days… so much white. A blinding white. I even like the fog that surrounds the grey city I live in…
Woke up this morning… took my camera and my dog for a walk. Though I wasn’t feeling very well, the fresh air, the lack of colors, the every-present white… everything was feeling good around.
So, here is the result of today’s shooting… :)

Monday, January 7, 2008
La Multi Ani tuturor celor care isi serbeaza astazi ziua onomastica!
Si cum ma numar printre cei norocosi... am atasat o imagine cu laitmotivul fotografiilor mele... in fine, vorba vine... oricum, imi place mult sa fotografiez stuf... nu stiu de ce... mi se pare foarte fotogenic probabil...
Oh... nici nu mi-am dat seama... primul post in romana... wow... it's party time...
Viata poate fi si frumoasa, depinde de unghiul din care o privesti, si cu ce ochi... asa ca priviti din toate partile, pana cand gasiti partea frumoasa, si inarmati-va cu ochi pozitivi. Merita!
Si cum ma numar printre cei norocosi... am atasat o imagine cu laitmotivul fotografiilor mele... in fine, vorba vine... oricum, imi place mult sa fotografiez stuf... nu stiu de ce... mi se pare foarte fotogenic probabil...
Oh... nici nu mi-am dat seama... primul post in romana... wow... it's party time...
Viata poate fi si frumoasa, depinde de unghiul din care o privesti, si cu ce ochi... asa ca priviti din toate partile, pana cand gasiti partea frumoasa, si inarmati-va cu ochi pozitivi. Merita!

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