Today I had quite an optimistic day... no reason, nothing special happened, just woke up with a strange-good mood...
It's weird waking up with the feeling of uncertainty inside yourself... asking yourself if it was a dream or was it real?!? Was it a dream or was it a memory of something that happened a long time ago? Maybe it was a memory of something that could have happened somewhere in the past, something you wished would have happened...
Ater all, what is reality? Which one is it?
Ah, I will not go there...
Anyway, all in all I had a good dream (or memory...?)
Good Night!

Good night..weet dreams.
Your friend.
deci asa faci tu... mai mai... nu prea stiu sigur ce ai vrut a scri acolo... sper sa fi mancat o litera, nu sa fi facut exces de zel si sa fi pus o litera in plus... ;)
te pup
take care
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