Thursday, January 31, 2008


Today I had quite an optimistic day... no reason, nothing special happened, just woke up with a strange-good mood...

It's weird waking up with the feeling of uncertainty inside yourself... asking yourself if it was a dream or was it real?!? Was it a dream or was it a memory of something that happened a long time ago? Maybe it was a memory of something that could have happened somewhere in the past, something you wished would have happened...

Ater all, what is reality? Which one is it?
Ah, I will not go there...

Anyway, all in all I had a good dream (or memory...?)
Good Night!

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Beautiful weather… everything is beautiful around me those days… so much white. A blinding white. I even like the fog that surrounds the grey city I live in…
Woke up this morning… took my camera and my dog for a walk. Though I wasn’t feeling very well, the fresh air, the lack of colors, the every-present white… everything was feeling good around.

So, here is the result of today’s shooting… :)

Monday, January 7, 2008


La Multi Ani tuturor celor care isi serbeaza astazi ziua onomastica!

Si cum ma numar printre cei norocosi... am atasat o imagine cu laitmotivul fotografiilor mele... in fine, vorba vine... oricum, imi place mult sa fotografiez stuf... nu stiu de ce... mi se pare foarte fotogenic probabil...

Oh... nici nu mi-am dat seama... primul post in romana... wow... it's party time...

Viata poate fi si frumoasa, depinde de unghiul din care o privesti, si cu ce ochi... asa ca priviti din toate partile, pana cand gasiti partea frumoasa, si inarmati-va cu ochi pozitivi. Merita!