They say... go for it, take what you want, try or die trying... but sometimes I doubt that's good, or even if it's worth the try... Just go with the flow, you know?
Sounds pessimistic? Maybe, but it is also easier...
Sometimes you try in vain... But if you don't than there might be regrets... I'm not even trying to draw any conclusion here... just writing along as I think about these things...
Why try so hard?
And leaving that behind, something else that goes through my mind...
I realized that too few people really get you... So why try so hard to make yourself understood, to make yourself liked, to please, to be what society wants you to be? Just BE! The people who get you are worth the try, but those people don't need any "work" to be there for you... that's it. So thank you for the few that are really there for me...
Sorry for the off-topic...
How about the photo? You like it? :)
1 comment:
felicitari, in primul rand pentru blog,
iar in al doilea rand pentru minunatele postari. chiar m-a impresionat articolul.succes in continuare
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