Friday, December 7, 2007

reality check

mirror mirror on the wall... tell me who is that person reflecting in you, the person inside you!?! tell me now... oh, you don't know? but you are supposed to see the things the way they are, undistorted, undisputed, un-however you want... you are the illustration of the reality as it is...

oh, maybe it's the eyes looking in the mirror that are distorted, fake, liars...

sometimes I look in the mirror... and I see... me(?) or what I think is me... sometimes I see something else... so which one is it? why do two pairs of eyes see things so different? maybe it is a too long story to be told here...

in my long experience of life I knocked myself of some very different mirrors... one showed me a very beautiful white leader couch with a small black wood coffe table holding a green bouquet of leafs, and another was filled with red armchairs posted in front of the big window, surrounding an empty black round coffe table.

what is reality?

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