Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Being the last post of this year I wish every one of the people who stops by a Happy New Year!!! I hope it will be a better year for everyone.

As for me... I will try to walk in the new year happier, with more clear thoughts... I will, at last, try to leave the past behind, and live the present... as for the future, let it bring what it has to bring for me... I will be right here, living NOW (not then, there nor somehow, somewhere)... just the HERE and NOW...

I hope to find you all happier next year!

Thanx for all the support (and everything else), sis... you are the best that could happen to me.

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Because I was “dared” (let's say) to write an optimist post… because the holidays are close and most people feel happy (including me somehow, but nothing related to the upcoming holidays)… I decided I can do this…

Since I started talking about the holidays… there are people who, due to their loneliness (which, around these times, is emphasized) feel even worse… who think nobody cares about them, who think they can’t rely on anyone… why now people? Isn’t it all the same during the year? Why now? Because you have more time on your hands, more time to feel pity for yourselves, more time to think of everything? Well, try doing something you like, something you normally can’t do during the year, when you have to work and all…

Some will say it’s the holiday spirit that makes people feel that way… it’s the time when everyone goes next to the one he/she loves, and those other people feel the loneliness strongly… But it’s actually all in your hands… It’s up to you to “feel” the holidays, to “live” the holidays.

I was there… but what good did it do to me? None... So I’m taking my advice… :)

During these times there is the biggest number of people who commit suicide, or at least think of it… it’s in The Long Way Down as well... So maybe it’s time you stop being pessimistic about life, about yourselves… try doing something for you. Life can really be beautiful, if you know from which side to look at it… of course it is never empty of ugliness or bad sides…

But at least there are more lights in the world these days... the world is bright.
Concluded in an “optimistic” note…
This is for you!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Saturday, December 15, 2007


We never know where life will take us... we can't see the future. We can only see some possibilities... and the truth can even miss from those possible roads we "see". What lies in front of us is just a blured whater, we can only see down or up, left or right...

But where from this obsession with the future? Why can't we just live the present? There are people who do that... are they happier? Are people who live in the present happy (optimists), and those who try to understand the past and "see" the future unhappy (pessimists)? And if so... how is it better to live?

Is being a pessimist (as described earlier) a bad thing? Why? Because they think more, understand more, see more (good too, but mostly the bad sides of the road of life)?

(From this point of view) The "optimists" are kind of like the blind men... they walk around, being hapapy because they don’t see the real world, they have a world of their own, which they created so they can be happy... (they created their own happiness, but it is not entirely true). But what happens with them when they step into a big whole they didn’t expect? They fall in the water without being ready to get wet. I’m not saing this is necesarly a bad thing, because most of them adapt according to the new conditions of life... But I think I prefer being a pessimist...

So, being a pessimist is good too... and look how a "pessimist" can see the optimistic parts of this world we live in... :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Friday, December 7, 2007

reality check

mirror mirror on the wall... tell me who is that person reflecting in you, the person inside you!?! tell me now... oh, you don't know? but you are supposed to see the things the way they are, undistorted, undisputed, un-however you want... you are the illustration of the reality as it is...

oh, maybe it's the eyes looking in the mirror that are distorted, fake, liars...

sometimes I look in the mirror... and I see... me(?) or what I think is me... sometimes I see something else... so which one is it? why do two pairs of eyes see things so different? maybe it is a too long story to be told here...

in my long experience of life I knocked myself of some very different mirrors... one showed me a very beautiful white leader couch with a small black wood coffe table holding a green bouquet of leafs, and another was filled with red armchairs posted in front of the big window, surrounding an empty black round coffe table.

what is reality?

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I've seen your face, looked into your eyes... but still when I think of you, you're just an image, just a reflection of you, of what you are to me... and as time goes by, you are more and more a frozen memory, a blured image of the package which used to hold the "you" I've seen inside the real you...

I remember everything else, every little detail, pieces of conversation, touches, coffe, music... but not you. I wish I would have remembered you for a longer time... But you are far now...


Friday, November 30, 2007

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Everything dies... nothing is for ever! Never say never, never say for ever...

Seasons, human beings, even feelings have the same path... all those have a childhood, they grow, become adults (their apogee) and then they get tired and, finally, die. Sad? Yes, you bet it is...

It's autumn, it's the season when all nature dies, but it dies performing a last show, showing us it's splendor... entertaining us with it's death!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007


We use, enjoy things or even people around us... things are all well when they are happy, healthy, smiley, optimist......... but when they start to brake we turn around like nothing ever happened, and walk away... and let them rot inside out, alone, without support...

Just like this swinging horse, sad, lonely, in an abandoned parc...

We are all alone in this world (too few people that we can really rely on)... or maybe it's just my pessimistic point of view...

Sunday, November 18, 2007

a grey walk

Where are you? I am looking in every corner for you… but there is nothing there… nothing much left there (and here) to remind me of you, anyway.
Too little things remind me of you. Is that good? Is that bad? I can’t really tell… it could be good if I would like to forget u; but do I want that? Obviously not (since I am still looking).

I don’t understand why do we, people, tend to complicate our lives? We do everything we can to make it more and more dramatic, complicated, juicy and foggy. We don’t do it consciously, but we do have a thing for drama… we like to have a life full of events, like a soap-opera.
And I ask u: for what? To be able to say, later on, that we really lived?

Who knows? Maybe… People say that one did not live if he didn’t hurt, suffer…

I agree with the fact that one can’t really know what happiness really is until he didn’t suffer; because if he didn’t, then he would only think that happiness is a fact, a human right or something…

Any side u turn it to, we are strange beings.
And our life is just a road, a grey walk, where, from time to time, we step in something colored, we bump into something with more color then we thought it could exist……… And I finnish this by wishing u to meet all the colours of the world, and for your life not to be grey (anymore)………

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Friendship is a blessing... it can get you out of difficult times, it can even save you from depresion and other "grey" thoughts... it can put a real smile on your lips, it can make your heart smile. And how? just by knowing that there is someone who thinks of you? Yes... knowing that someone will be there for you in happy times, but also when you are havin difficulties understandin things around u (even life)... just by knowing that there is someone who understands you, and doesn't just judge you...

But sometimes it can get suffocating inside... it can "stick" to you untill you will suffocate. How can that be? Ironic, isn't it?!? Something that good can become something that destructive... sometimes we have to know when to stop, when to let the "tree" breath...

Thank you! (my friend, my only true friend!)
I dedicate this photo to you... (though it isn't too much, I hope you like it...)

Monday, November 12, 2007


Sometimes we meet someone, or we see something, and we are sure we know exactly who/how that person/thing is... but we usualy tend to put more into that than it really is... we tend to see what we want in things, and not what there really is...

Are those leafs, are they made of copper? yes... how come? why? because I want it to be like that... If we believe something strong enough it can come true...... (can it?) Yes it can... but only for those who believe it (or better yet, who lie to themselves)...

People try to be (or pretend to be) someone else every day... why can't we just be ourselves without being judged by "society" and other people pretending to be what they are not?
I'm tired of the "society-me"... I want to be myself... now!

Saturday, November 10, 2007


life is hard... u need to look really good, in every corner and seek for the right place to grow... and u think u found just the right one and open that door and step in the big world with your head up... untill one day u realise that the door u opened, the hole u found and sneaked through, is not all that good... what do u do then? u go back and start fresh? start from zero again?

but can u do that? are u strong enough?

am I???

Friday, November 9, 2007


rising from the dark... hoping it can reach the light, but it's roots won't let it go too far...

Monday, November 5, 2007

music for your heart

it saved me from a long long night of silence... when I was down it brought me back up, 'cause music can save a lonely soul... alone and far away from anyone who could actually make me feel better, it made it and sang me untill I fell asleep with my mind in peace...


nostalgie de toamna

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

doar o frunza care a murit...

Si pentru ca azi dimineata aveam un chef nebun de facu poze, mi-am luat aparatul in gat si pe Maiia in lesa si am pornit la drum... sigur, cheful a trecut la fel de repede pe cum a venit, caci e greu sa incerci sa faci poze in timp ce lesa te trage cand te astepti mai putin (din motivele cele mai neasteptate... dar noah)... asa ca... am pus doar o poza, ca sa nu creada cineva ca am mintit... ;)

Friday, October 5, 2007


mie personal mi-a placut mult cum a iesit imaginea asta...


un amestec de imagini fara nici o legatura una cu alta...